Mr. Fernando Guerrero, the Industrial Cibersecurity Center Coordinator in Ecuador (CCI Coordinators Team), helps us to get in context of the state of the industrial cybersecurity in his country, and to do so, he shares with us his impressions.
He describes the level of sensitivity of industrial organizations in his country according to the following percentages:
He also affirms that the trend of recent years has been a slight increase.
Ecuador counts with local and national public bodies promoting an adequate legal framework, in order to ensure the progressive incorporation of industrial cybersecurity measures in national presence companies (mainly critical infrastructure). The main organizations are:
- Secretaria Nacional de Inteligencia
- Ministerio de Telecomunicaciones
- Agencia de Regulación y Control de Telecomunicaciones
- Comando Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas
Among the main national laws and regulations affecting in this context in Ecuador, Fernando Guerrero mentions:
- Código Orgánico Integral Penal
- Ley Orgánica de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública
- Ley de Seguridad Pública y del Estado
- Esquema Gubernamental de Seguridad de Información
- Ley de Comercio Electrónico, Firmas Electrónicas y Mensajes de Datos
Analysing the most widely adopted industrial cybersecurity measures by Ecuadorian organizations to protect industrial automation systems, Fernando Guerrero highlights the application of:
- Industrial cybersecurity consulting / advisory
- Implementation of safety management systems
- Development of continuity and / or contingency plans
- Conventional firewalls
The CCI Coordinator in Ecuador characterizes the industrial cybersecurity situation in his country with the following SWOT analysis:
- Lack of operational technologies certifications, processes and professionals
- Lack of specific industry cybersecurity legislation
- Lack of events and forums on industrial cybersecurity
- Lack of a solutions and services catalogue of industrial cybersecurity
- Lack of specific CERTs
| Strengths
- Public organizations driven force (industry, national issues and defence).
- Application of IT security measures without discretion
- Slow legislation
- Shortage of local industrial cybersecurity professionals working for manufacturers
- Shortage of specific industrial cybersecurity risk management tools
| Opportunities
- Increased of cibersecurity demand for Industry 4.0 and the Internet of things.
- Advantage with the lessons learned from smart grid cibersecurity.
- Strategic position in the industrial cyber security sector