Escuela Professional School

M01. Online OT Cybersecurity Master's Degree

To be confirmed
Nivel profesionalProfessional level: Operativo Operative
OrganizaciónOrganization: Propietario, operación y mantenimiento Owner, operation and maintenance, Ingenieria e integración Engineering and integration, Fabricante de tecnología Technology manufacturer
DuraciónDuration: 300 hours
AsistenciaModality: Online
ModalidadMode: Máster Master
Nivel del programa de credencialesCredentials program level: Negro Black
CupoCapacity: 20
Tipo formaciónType: Calendario oficial CCI Official ICC Calendar

Con certificado de participaciónEnrolment certificate available

  • Oficial no Miembro CCIOfficial ICC non-member 3.450,00 €
  • BásicoBasic 3.050,00 €
  • Profesional y EnterpriseProfessional & Enterprise 2.850,00 €
  • PlataformasPlatforms 2.450,00 €
  • SuscripciónSuscription
Más informaciónMore information:

Master that will allow to analyze and understand the risk associated with industrial infrastructures and its basic relationship with Industrial Control Systems. Knowledge necessary for any industrial or computer engineering professional related to areas such as ICT, energy, chemical and nuclear industry, water, manufacturing or transportation, among others.


Approach to automation and industrial control systems
› Introduction to industrial automation
› The automation pyramid
› Automation technologies
› Industrial control systems
· Level 0: Instrumentation Technology
· Level 1: Controllers and DCS
· Level 2: SCADA, HMI and Historians
· Level 3: EMS
· Level 4: ERP
› Industrial networks and protocols
· Communication levels and architectures.
· Communication channels.
› Industrial protocols.
Concepts and state of the art of Industrial Cybersecurity
› Introduction
› Description of the current socio-economic situation and the impact that the Protection of Critical Infrastructures and the
Security in Industrial Environments.
› Terms and Concepts. Definition and identification of the different key terms and concepts: critical infrastructure,
strategic infrastructure …
› Relationship between Protection of Critical Infrastructures and Cybersecurity
› International State of the Art of Critical Infrastructure Protection
· United States and Canada
· Latin America
· Europe
› Organizational aspects
› IT Director vs. Security director
› Plant Director vs. Production / Manufacturing Director

Diagnosis of Industrial Cybersecurity
› Vulnerabilities and threats in Control Systems
› Threats and vulnerabilities at the edge
› Attack Vectors
› Analysis and countermeasures
› Diagnosis of Safety in Industrial Environments
› Life cycle of an industrial cybersecurity diagnostic project
› Results presentation

Preparing an Industrial Cybersecurity program
› Risk analysis
› Maturity assessment
› Preparation of the industrial cybersecurity program
› Presenting the cybersecurity plan to management

Hacking, defense strategy and forensic analysis
› Understand and apply the concepts related to the design of secure networks
› Discover and analyze vulnerabilities in control systems
› Develop and apply defense strategies and techniques
› Forensic Analysis in an Industrial Automation Environment

Carrying out a project that integrates all the contents learned. Use case for the preparation of an industrial cybersecurity program applying the knowledge acquired during the master’s degree.


It will be necessary to have basic knowledge of networking to understand the technical sections and to be able to properly carry out the laboratory practices.

A quién va dirigidoWho is this course for
This Master is aimed at professionals in industrial automation, instrumentation and control professionals, ICT and information security professionals.
  • Guide for the implementation of an industrial cybersecurity management system (Market value € 450)
  • Good practices for cybersecurity diagnosis in industrial environments (Market value € 250)
  • Good Practices in Forensic Analysis of Automation and Industrial Control Systems (Market value € 350)
  • Maturity assessment tool (Market value € 300)
  • Cybersecurity in the Life Cycle of an industrial automation project (Market value € 350)
  • Master presentations
  • Practical case
12 Masterclasses from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (Madrid-Spanish time)

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