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EPC series. First installment "Operational security and its cybersecurity"


The main objective of operational or process safety is to protect industrial processes to avoid accidents derived from the treatment of dangerous materials in establishments (including machines) that could affect people, the environment or facilities. To maintain an industrial plant with this type of risk in a safe state, or to bring it to a safe state, it is used as a measure, among others, operational protection technologies, normally known as Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS).

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Pocket Guide – NIS2 for the Governing Body


CCI launches this guide with the objective of making the Management Body of an industrial organization aware of the key aspects of the NIS2 in a concise and practical way for its implementation.

Pocket Guide – Cybersecurity in the combined use of IIoT and Industrial Cloud


CCI launches this pocket guide to cybersecurity in IIoT and Industrial Cloud where you will quickly find: The combined use of IIoT and Industrial Cloud Risks in the combined use of IIoT and Industrial Cloud Three IIoT and Cloud Industrial security principles 7 tips to mitigate risks in these environments Additionally, the guide includes some […]

Pocket Guide: Reducing risks incurred by OT cybersecurity controls


Pocket guide, which addresses the most common risks linked to the seven main cybersecurity measures in automation and industrial control environments. This analysis will allow an understanding of the potential threats to which we are exposed and, in turn, will facilitate the implementation of effective strategies to protect critical systems in these operating environments.