T02. Workshop: Cybersecurity Diagnosis in an Industrial Automation Environment

W2 y T3 of October 2024 - Online

Enhance your experience with Industrial Cybersecurity Workshops

Immerse yourself in the intensity and specialized focus of our Industrial Cybersecurity Workshops. From practical simulations to real-case analyses, our workshops offer an immersive and applied experience to strengthen your skills in the field of industrial cybersecurity.

Explore our range of workshops designed to address specific industry challenges. Led by industry experts, these workshops not only provide practical knowledge but also offer tangible solutions to emerging problems in industrial security. Choose the workshop that boosts your knowledge and prepares you to excel in a challenging digital environment.

Enhance your experience with the Industrial Cybersecurity Workshops at CCI School!

Escuela CCI - Talleres
T08. Cybersecurity Workshop for Executives on NIS2
Date to be determined
T02 – Workshop: Cybersecurity Diagnosis in an Industrial Automation Environment
W2 and T3 of October 2024
T06 – Workshop: Management of Industrial Cybersecurity Incidents
M28 y T29 of October 2024
T03 – Workshop: Cybersecurity in the Lifecycle of an Industrial Project
T11 y T12 of December 2024
T05 – Workshop: Forensic Analysis in an Industrial Automation Environment
Date to be determined
T07 – Workshop: Cybersecurity in the Lifecycle of an Industrial Digitalization Project
Date to be determined
T01 – Workshop: Cybersecurity Process Maturity Evaluation in Industrial Organizations
Date to be determined
T04 – Workshop: Implementation of an Industrial Cybersecurity Management System
Date to be determined

Shall we talk?

Do you need help choosing the right training? We’re here to answer all your questions and guide you on this educational journey. Write to us! We are committed to supporting you every step of the way toward success in industrial cybersecurity.

Calendario 2º semestre Escuela CCI

Training Calendar for the 2nd Semester of 2024

If you still haven’t decided on your industrial cybersecurity training for the second semester of 2024, we invite you to explore our comprehensive selection of programs.

Check out our Training Calendar and discover the diverse opportunities we offer. From the Master’s program and specialized courses to intensive workshops, you’ll find the perfect training to achieve your professional goals. Don’t miss the chance to boost your career development! Review the calendar now to make the right decision.

Si estás creando tu presupuesto de formación, en nuestra tabla de precios, encontrarás todas las opciones disponibles, desde cursos individuales hasta nuestro completo máster en ciberseguridad industrial.

Identifica y accede a los precios personalizados según tu membresía.

Haz clic ahora y elige la mejor ruta para tu crecimiento profesional.

Check the PRICE LIST
for all CCI training programs