Equipo CCI

CCI Team

Industrial Cibersecurity Center Coordinator

Stephan Gerling

Stephan Gerling is Senior Compliance Manager, who works in the oil and gas industry more than 20 years now. A strong technical and electronical education in several roles is his background. He joined the German Army for more than 6 years as Navigation electronical expert for Helicopters. During this military time, he was in several missions across the world.

His capabilities to stay calm in incidence response management he trained in more than 32 years, being a volunteer firefighter in Germany. Here, he manages a Platoon expertise areas:

  • Forensic Analyst
  • Pentesting, Red/blue teaming
  • Consultancy on broad security topics
  • Network architecture reviews, security assessments and audits
  • Maritime cyber security specialist
  • IoT security specialist

Stephan Gerling is a frequent speaker at the leading security events around the world. He also lectures on Conferences for North Rhine-Westphalia and Bavaria State Criminal Investigation Department. Recently, he discovered a couple of vulnerabilities in Maritime equipment. He is also engaged in "AG Kritis", an consortium of cybersecurity experts for critical infrastructures.

Stephan Gerling es un orador frecuente en los principales eventos de seguridad en todo el mundo. También da conferencias para el Departamento de Investigación Criminal del Estado de Renania del Norte-Westfalia y Baviera. Recientemente, descubrió un par de vulnerabilidades en el equipo marítimo. También participa en "AG Kritis", un consorcio de expertos en ciberseguridad para infraestructuras críticas.